Sunday, October 18, 2009

What is Deviance?

In our daily’s life and interactions, we observe many behaviors from those people around us, which we feel and think about some of these behaviors as negative and unacceptable according our society’s norms and standards. We usually judge those people by their appearances and attitudes, and we also classify them into many different categories again according our believe system which we grant it from our society. Ones may ask, how and why or under which circumstances we define some of these behaviors and attitudes as negative and unacceptable?
We as society define and categorize those negative and unacceptable behaviors and attitudes as deviance. There are many definitions of deviance, which depends on how use see or think about it. Deviance can be defined as the violations of social norms. Norms are behavior codes or prescriptions that guide people into actions and self- presentations conforming to social acceptability. Deviance can also be defined through the social meanings collectively applied to people’s behaviors, attitudes, and conditions that are rooted in the interaction between individuals and social groups. Those who have the power to make and apply rules onto others control the normative order. So, people can be labeled deviant as the result of the ABCs of deviance: their attitudes, behaviors, or conditions. First, they may be labeled as deviant for their alternative sets of attitudes or belief system such as political or religious beliefs, for example: Radicals, fundamentals, conservatives, liberals…etc. Second, people may be labeled as deviant because of their outward actions. Deviant behaviors may be intentional or unintentional, and include such activities as violating dress or speech conventions, or committing murder. Third, other people may be regarded as deviant because of their biological conditions such as race, disability and handicap. People may be born with conditional deviance due to their personal and, or racial, ethical characteristics. So, we can say deviance is a perceived threat that brings discredit and social control. We all as, human being, have a set of feelings and thinking system. We born with these senses and feelings, and we learn through social process which behavior make sense and which doesn’t not. We also customized to follow and obey society’s norms and laws because doing this will bring order and harmony to society and our lives. So, those who are powerful and stronger than us politically, economically, and socially, can enforce their attitudes and norms on the weakest among us. Sometimes deviance can be defined as the result of society’s class struggle. The stronger class perceives and defines the weakest class as threat to their interest and existence.
Despite all these definitions of deviance, there is also another definition or perception, which is the positive deviance. Deviance can be positive in some particular time and place. Positive deviance can be seen or observed in such conditions, attitudes, or behaviors like (Altruism, Charisma, Innovation, Supra-Conforming Behavior, and Innate Characteristics). Martin Luther Kings, JR., Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, and Mother Teresa can be defined as charismatic figures. Galileo Galilee, Ernest Hemingway, and Isaac Newton can be defined as innovators. These people were not only changed their society’s conscience, but they started revolutions that changed humanity’s discourses.
Finally we can say deviance is not only natural phenomena, but it’s one of the essential elements of society because without it society can be paralyzed and dysfunctional. Deviance is also socially learned process within the context of society’s norms and values.

Democracy and Education

Democracy and Education

Democracy is the most common and familiar word in today’s contemporary politic discourse. It is used almost every day by different individuals, organizations, Medias, and politicians to describe and differentiate a good, stable, and legitimate political system from others. It’s easy to assume which country is and is not democratic without explanation and providing evidence. So, my goal here is to make such guessing easier by looking at some social indicators such as education, and explain its relation with democracy. So, the question would be how can we determine what country is democratic and non democratic based on some variables such as literacy rate? So, the research is based on three basic elements that are hypothesis, independent, and dependent variables. The hypothesis is about education and its effect on democracy. The question is what is the relationship between higher and lower level of literacy and democracy? What is the definition of literacy and how can we measure it? The discussion and explanation of such questions help us to explain our first variable-independent variable, which is the literacy rate. And what is the outcome of such measurement would be the prediction of democracy, which is the second variable- dependent variable.
There are many researches and studies about democracy and its relation with social and economic reality. There are also many discussions and explanations about the role of education and its affect on democracy based on these researches. The main point here is that education plays an important role in democracy. There are many reasons behind such assumption such as embracing and adopting democratic values by high educated individual compared to illiterate individual; it’s easier for educated individual to become a good, active, and responsible citizen; and generally educated individuals are prone to use rational and reason in assessing and solving every day problems, and they are less likely to be influence by dogmatic ideology. Lipset confirms some of the above reasons in his writing by indicating that “Education presumably broadens man’s outlook, enables his to understand the need for norms of tolerance, restrains him from adhering to extremist doctrine, and increases his capacity to make rational electoral choices” (Lipset, Economic Development and Democracy, 2006). We know that education is an important element of democracy, however, it’s more important to know that what makes education valuable is the quality of education rather education alone.
We have mentioned that education is necessary for democracy to develop and flourish. And we also pointed out that the quality of education is more important than education itself. How do I know that education or the quality of education is more important would be explained by discussing the hypothesis, dependent, and independent variables. The hypothesis was about education and its role and affect on democracy. To measure such hypothesis we need to have two main variables to test the validity of the hypothesis. The dependent variable is democracy which can be measured by the second variable, which the literacy rate. To gather such data on the ground and in each country that I have used would require enormous time and sufficient money, however, we have many trusted and qualified organizations and institution that are created and specialized to accomplish such tasks. Freedom House and UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) are the two main agencies that I have used their data to measure my hypothesis and variables. I have selected the combination of forty democratic and non democratic countries (twenty from each) from Freedom of House’s 2007 survey of political rights and civil liberties. The democratic countries were (Finland, USA, Britain, Canada, Sweden, Spain, Chile, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Malaysia, Lebanon, France, Japan, Germany, Italy, Israel, Denmark, Greece, and Ukraine). And the non-democratic countries were (Afghanistan, Niger, Bahrain, Cambodia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, Morocco, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Libya, Cuba, Chad, Algeria, Yemen, Egypt, Cameroon, and Mauritania). I treated the Freedom of House survey as a legitimate source because the organization is legitimate and they have offices in several countries around the world with experienced staffs. There are two countries in the democratic category that were rated as partial democracy in the survey, and I used them in democratic list due to the fact that these two countries (Malaysia and Lebanon) have fundamental democratic principles such as peaceful transition of power, opposition parties, economic stability, and individual freedom to some extent. Meanwhile, I have rated countries such as (Afghanistan, Bahrain, Morocco, and Yemen) in the non-democratic list due to the lack of freedom of religious, individual, and lacking economic stability or advance. The second data, which is the literacy rate, was selected from UNESCO website along with CIA facts about individual countries, and the reason for using such agencies is due to their overall reputation in collecting valid data along with the skills of expertise that work for them.
The collected data shows an interesting outcome by indicating the threshold of literacy and its relationship with democracy. The average percentage of literacy in democratic countries is about 98, meanwhile, the non democratic countries average is around 65. So, the difference between non democratic and democratic countries is about 33% which really huge. Despite the fact that there is no single country in the non democratic to have literacy rate of 98, there are countries in other category that have less than 98% literacy rate such as Chile, Malaysia, Lebanon, and Israel. What this phenomena tells us is very important than overall outcomes because these countries along with Cuba, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Zimbabwe confirms that what is more important is the quality of education that will determine what country will fall into or off the line of democracy. By quality of education I mean the philosophy and ideology behind the education system, whether that philosophy contradicts or supports democratic values. Because speaking about myself I was coming from an educated family from a country with relatively high rate of literacy (Iraq), but the education system was totally based on totalitarian ideology (Bathesim), and we never embraced or taught any democratic values as I was attending primary, secondary, tertiary, and college levels of study. I also believe the same assessment is true for Cuba because Cuban political system or structure is based on a signal party ideology which is Communism. So, what is important is what the individuals learn and practice in the result of education not only attending class and graduate with a degree. What makes citizens of democratic country different from non democratic country is the attitude, believe, norm, and understanding of civic life and the ways to engage in achieving personal goals than anything else. And these values can not be adopt or achieve without a good quality of education. That what is the outcome of this data tell us about each of these 40 countries rather than education alone.

After reviewing the gathering data I was convinced that it’s not education alone that matter in democracy, but it’s the quality of education and its role in determining which country is democratic and which one is not. The implication of this data is the confirmation of reality that education alone does not make a country more or less democratic if that education is not based on democratic principles and values. So, what is important is the quality of education rather than education itself.

Democratic Countries Literacy % Non-Democratic Countries Literacy %































New Zealand




















































Works Cited

Lipset Seymour Martin. “Economic Development and Democracy.” Comparative

Politics. Ed. Patrick H. O’neil and Ronald Rogowski. New York: W.W. Norton

&Company, 2006. 316-29.

Freedom House. Freedom in the World. 2007. 26 February 2007.


UN Statistics. Social indicators. 1 August 2006. 26 February 2007.


CIA. The World FactBook: Field Listing-Literacy. 8 February 2007. 26 February 2007.


Who am I?

Who am I ? I am a Kurd by birth from South Kurdistan some called North Iraq others Kurdistan. I am a global individual by conscious or choice who doesn't have specific nation, flag or a country to pledge to rather I will see the whole world as my land and would like to be free to live, travel and work in it. I call the people on the planet my fellow human beings whom with some of may have closer relationship and can call friends "Those who I can trust and count on them when time come to call for". I believe of my people "I will not use the word nation due to some of my observations or understandings of a qualification of nationhood" and love my land "all different parts of Kurdistan" To me it really doesn't matter which part of Kurdistan your are from or which geographic location your born and reside in, rather, what's most matter is how much you believe in yourself as a Kurds or individual, and second how much you are willing to sacrifice for the wellbeing of others "Treat people the way You want to be treated." I don't call myself a nationalist, but I will not hesitate to say I am Kurds and proud of being Kurds. I don't like to live in the past, neither now, but would love to always think, plan, and live in a better and peaceful future. I will not let the miserable past events of my childhood strongly affect my present and future, but I work hard to alter these past events and use them in a more positive way. So, I can say that I am neither pessimistic nor optimistic, but more realistic by seeing things in a more pragmatic way "Space and time" or conditions which can affect things in both now and future. The best way to put it is by bringing up one of the best quotes of Gandhi that I love to contemplate and act on it, in which he says "You must be the change you want to see in the World." Mahatma Gandhi If I have a choice to alter that quote, I will just add "Positive" in front of the word "Change" which means "You must be the positive change that you want to see in the world" I belief we are living in a period of history where individual has more power than he or she thinks about it, and we can direct our energy into building a more peaceful, harmonic, and respect world than the way that we inherited from our ancestors.